
The 4 Ws of Guest Blogging for Real Estate (and one "H")

October 15 2012

bloggerIf you're looking for a new way to generate leads online, consider guest blogging. Long used as an effective tactic for driving traffic to websites, guest blogging is also a creative way for real estate professionals to establish themselves as local experts.

If this concept is new to you, don't worry. We've boiled the basics of guest blogging down to the four Ws: Who, What, Where, and Why. Read on to learn more.

What is Guest Blogging?

Guest blogging is a way to grow your audience by contributing content to sites other than your own. It benefits both you and your host--you provide great content and they provide high quality links back to your site, as well as exposure to a new audience.

A variation on this is the "guest post exchange," where both site owners write articles for the other's blog. This is a great way to add variety to your content, and get your feet wet with guest blogging!

Why Should Guest Blogging Matter to Me?

First, the obvious: guest blogging drives traffic. It's not "just" traffic, though. The people who come to your site as a result of your guest post are interested in what you have to say. Compared to other visitors, they are stronger potential leads that are more likely to take action.

In addition to expanding your audience, guest blogging also:

  • Improves Your Website's SEO - We can never stress this enough--strong incoming links are essential to your website's search engine ranking. With every guest post you make, you're getting one more crucial link back to your site.
  • Establishes You as a Local Expert - Being seen as the go-to expert on all things local is a huge part of successful real estate marketing. By sharing your knowledge of community events, the best restaurants--you name it--you raise your professional profile as a trusted source of information for your area.

Who Should I Write For?

The trick to successful guest blogging is finding websites that don't compete with you, yet are frequented by your target audience. Here a few examples to get you started:

  • Title insurance companies
  • Local info blogs
  • Law firms
  • CPA firms and other financial services
  • Chamber of Commerce
  • Travel agency websites
  • Local builders

Where Do I Find Local Blogs?

Begin by checking the websites of the suggestions above to see if they have a blog. From there, tap into your social media networks. Which local businesses do you follow on Facebook? Check their profiles for a website and blog.

Same goes for Twitter. To find local users in your area, try Twellow or Localtweeps.

How Do I Write a Great Guest Post?

While writing a great guest post is no different than writing a great post for your own blog, there are a few tips to keep in mind.

  • Research your target - Know what you're getting yourself into. Before you even approach another blog, take a look at their archives to learn what topics they cover, what their writing style is like, and how your guest post would fit in.
  • Don't go link crazy - Limit yourself to no more than two links (3 MAX!) back to your site. Any more, and you risk looking like you're taking advantage of your host as well as just plain tacky. For best results, include a relevant link in the body of your post, and another with a call to action in your contributor bio.
  • Link to your host's content - Be a gracious guest--show appreciation for your host by including links to their best (yet relevant) content.