
5 Worst Mobile Behavior Offenses

June 06 2012

73man on phoneThis post comes to us from REALTOR®Mag:

Mobile manners are getting worse, according to 81 percent of 2,000 Americans recently surveyed by Intel. Ninety-two percent of those surveyed said they wish the public would get more respectful with their mobile etiquette.

Could you be one of the offenders?

Forbes.com recently profiled some of the worst mobile manner offenses. Some of the offenses include:

1. Spending too much facetime with your phone, instead of with people. "Social network in the room — not on your device," Anna Post, an etiquette expert, noted in the article.

2. Having your smartphone on the table. You don't want to just clear your elbows from the table but etiquette experts also say it's rude to have your phone on a dinner table or desk when with a client. It can be distracting to others, the article notes.

3. Keep it down. Loud talking on a mobile device is a commonly cited pet peeve when it comes to mobile behavior. "It doesn't matter if you don't care who overhears your conversations with the doctor, it's that no one else wants to hear your personal calls," Post says. Try to keep the personal calls more personal and out of earshot from others.

4. No good vibrations from phones. A lot of people try to silence their phones by putting it on vibration mode, but etiquette experts say that can sometimes be more distracting than a ring if a phone is constantly vibrating on a table. Instead, always keep your device on silent mode when with clients or at meetings.

5. Watch when you sneak in social networking. One common complaint is those who sneak in social networking time during meetings or in encounters with others. Save it for later. Human Resource managers refer to it as "social notworking" when doing it in meetings.

Source: "Digital Over-Sharing, Constant Complaining And Other Top Mobile Etiquette Mistakes," Forbes.com (May 23, 2012)

To view the original article, visit REALTOR®Mag.