
When Is Your Office Going Paperless?

September 09 2011



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Today's post was written by Austin Allison and appeared originally on the DotLoop blog.

Using digital materials for marketing, advertising and other purposes has a number of benefits compared to using printed materials. Digital files are much easier to transport, distribute and can save a company thousands of dollars in printing costs. The cost-effective nature of digital documents has been a strong incentive for many large companies to cease using printed materials. One such company, Lockheed Martin, switched from using printed materials for policy manuals to emailing an electronic version to employees that saved the company $250,000!

By using digital documents, a company can reduce their impact on the environment. Paper has a large impact upon the environment because thousands of trees need to be cut down to supply a huge, growing global demand for paper, and the paper making process generates a lot of pollution. With thousands of trees cut down each year to make paper, there needs to be some attempt to manage forests in a sustainable manner. Making matters worse, toxic substances used by mills in the paper making process emit carcinogenic dioxins that end up polluting the air and water.

That’s why it’s important for all business to commit to paperless practices.  In addition to saving time and money associated with printing and storage costs, companies committed to green practices can take solace in bettering the environment. It’s a sensible and sensitive alternative to traditional hard-copy business practices of yesteryear.

Facts about paper and paper waste

Is your business as green-friendly as it could be?

To learn more about going green and paperless practices, visit the DotLoop blog.