
How to Hire a Real Estate Assistant: Do's and Don'ts

June 01 2015

p2 HiringAssistantIt's no secret that real estate agents are busy people! From meeting with clients and conducting home tours to coordinating home inspections and making sure that every 'i' is dotted and 't' is crossed on legal documents, it can be hard to find enough hours in the day to do all that other administrative work you are supposed to do. You know, stuff like updating your website, coordinating events and scheduling social media posts.

When you start to get overwhelmed, it makes sense to consider hiring a real estate assistant. Even a part-time assistant can help you organize your schedule and take care of admin duties so you can spend more time focusing on your buyers and sellers.

If you're thinking about hiring a real estate assistant, here are some DO's and DON'Ts to help you pick the right person:


Do create a job description.

Before you begin the hiring process, create a job description a list of all the things you want an assistant to do for you. This way you will both know what to expect and there is no gray area. It's also important to know what an unlicensed assistant can and can't do before you hire.

Do advertise the position on your social media channels.

There's a good chance the right assistant for you could already be within your sphere of influence. Post your job search on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media channels so it has the best chance of reaching the most people. As a happy side effect, your followers will see that you are busy and looking to grow your client services by adding to your team.

Do embrace ambition.

When interviewing applicants, be open to assistants who say that they want to become an agent one day. Of course, that means that they can't be your assistant forever, but it also means that they will work hard to learn the business and could become a valued referral source or partner in the future.


Don't hire without working out your budget.

How many hours a week do you want help? How many hours a week can you afford help? Your assistant's schedule will likely fall somewhere in between. Determine how much you are comfortable paying to start and what kind of raises or bonuses you anticipate over the next 12 months.

Don't be unprepared.

Be ready when you find the right candidate. Have a list of job duties typed up, as well as a code of conduct, that you can both sign on their first day. Make sure you each get a copy!

Don't expect your new assistant to read your mind.

Plan to devote some time to training if you want things to run smoothly behind the scenes. You may choose to set up a training schedule with different topics on different weeks. Training categories might include paperwork systems, listing entry, CRM, website maintenance, marketing duties and event planning. It may take a while, but it will be worth it in the long run!

Remember: you can't do it all! Hiring an assistant will allow you to focus on the tasks that really count.

Do you currently have or have you had a real estate assistant in the past? What's your top hiring tip?

To view the original article, visit the Point2 Agent blog.