
5 Reasons Why Real Estate Brokers Should Consider Content Marketing

April 14 2015

typing handsThe idea of blogs, social media, and especially the infamous buzzword "content marketing" can be very intimidating for a real estate broker. In fact, as you're reading this, you may be asking yourself what the heck is content marketing anyway?!

In this new age of digital marketing, content creation has emerged as one of the most critical aspects of a marketing campaign for both professionals and companies alike.

First, let me explain what content marketing is:

"Content marketing is the marketing and business process for creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action."Content Marketing Institute

Now, you are probably wondering how content marketing can be helpful for real estate brokers specifically. A great example of a real estate professional that uses content marketing to generate new business is Allen Buchanan, broker at Lee & Associates and contributor for The News Funnel's blog. In one of his recent posts, Allen shares how he makes "dollars and sense" out of his content marketing strategy. Here are a few deals Allen has completed that are directly connected to his content marketing efforts:

  • 165,000 square feet lease generated from a LinkedIn post
  • 15,000 square feet lease with an existing client in a market that Lee & Associates was unrepresented
  • 4,000-10,000 square feet each (four office leases, with the same client) from Facebook
  • 60,000 square feet lease generated from a LinkedIn post
  • 5,000 square feet warehouse lease in a market where Lee & Associates is unrepresented

Besides actually generating leads and new business, here are five additional reasons why you should invest in content marketing:

1. Content marketing positions you as an industry expert and thought leader. Creating and promoting high quality, purposeful content that showcases your expertise will make people start wondering who is behind the content. Once you develop a consistent content plan and rapport with your readers, you will grow your following and start being regarded as a thought leader within your industry.

2. Content marketing generates more inbound traffic to your site. While your content should be educational/entertaining in nature and not overly promotional, you can include hyperlinks back to your company website to help grow inbound traffic. You can also keep interest on your older blog posts alive by referring and linking to them in newer posts. Remember: your content should educate and inspire! Be very discreet and indirect with any promotions.

3. Content marketing generates more leads. With the flood of information available in today's landscape, you must rely on content as a way to engage with potential customers. Creating shareable and distinguishable content will help you grow your online following, therefore connecting you with leads you may not have otherwise found.

4. Content marketing increases engagement with your target audience. Stick to your niche! Tailoring your content to a particular segment within the real estate industry will allow you to reach a highly refined audience. Supplement your content with a targeted social media strategy by connecting with other thought leaders in the industry who will share your content with their own network.

5. Content marketing positions you as someone who embraces digital media. The real estate industry is known as being a laggard in embracing technology. Be one of the first who realizes the actual value of establishing your online brand and using it as a hub for credible and useful real estate information on the Internet.

Now it's time for you to get started designing your content marketing strategy. The News Funnel has built the largest content platform in the real estate industry. Besides streaming thousands of news sources, we have hundreds of blogs from industry professionals like you. We can host your blog or actually assist you in creating your blog from scratch. When you use The News Funnel as your blogging platform, you can reach up to 125,000 real estate professionals directly, which can help jumpstart a new or existing content marketing campaign.

Our team of expert writers (specifically trained in real estate!) offer a wide range of content creation services, including blogs, press releases, videos, social media management and more. To learn more, click here or email jen[at]thenewsfunnel.com.

Here are some other great articles about content marketing for real estate: