
January Checklist: 4 Tasks Every Real Estate Agent Should Complete

January 06 2016

januaryAgentChecklistWe've reached the middle of the winter season, and everyone around you is discussing their new plans for productivity, weight loss, or incredible business success. Welcome to January!

You're determined to do things differently this year too, and we fully support you. But this month we're not going to add resolutions to your already-ambitious list. Instead, we encourage you to take a few extra preparatory steps to help you take on those plans like a true champion.

Week of January 4: Reflect on the past year

You've probably heard the old saying, "You can't truly know where you're going until you know where you've been." This wisdom rings true as you consider your business strategies for the new year.

Write down a list of your successes in the last year – even the small ones. Then make a list of the things you'd like to improve on in the next twelve months. Allow this list to guide your business plan for 2016. Place both of these lists in a place where you can look at them regularly, and consult them often.

Week of January 11: Clear some clutter

The new year is a great time to start fresh, and what better place to start than your workspace? Go through your desk and work area and purge any unnecessary papers, trash, or clutter. Readjust your work chair to a comfortable level, and wipe down your desk and computer screens.

In the digital sphere, now is also an excellent time to get rid of excess stuff. Unsubscribe to email newsletters you no longer find helpful, dump outdated or defunct contact information out of your CRM, and trash old files and documents clogging up your computer storage space.

Now breathe a sigh of relief. That's much better.

Week of January 18: Update your headshots and contact info

New year, new you! Switch up your professional photos and make sure your contact information is up-to-date on your website, blog, social media profiles, flyers, and any other marketing materials.

Revisiting your printed materials and social profiles on a regular basis will keep your branding and marketing efforts fresh and exciting. You can also take advantage of the post-Christmas lull to get some discounted headshots with your nearest professional photographer.

Week of January 25: Schedule non-work time in advance

While it's important to time block your work day for better productivity, it's also essential to pencil in some dates and times when you will take breaks for yourself and your family. With real estate, the line between work and relaxation is blurred because you don't keep a traditional 9 to 5 schedule. It's easy to start letting professional duties creep into your leisure hours, so make an effort to plan your downtime in advance and commit to reinforcing the boundaries between your job and personal life.

Maybe you want to be available to pick up your kids from school each day. Perhaps you've decided not answer client calls from 5pm to 7pm so you can enjoy dinner with your family. Whatever you decide, be upfront with your clients about your boundaries in advance. You'll have a clearer head when you return to the professional grind.

To view the original article, visit the HomeFinder.com blog.